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Friday, October 23, 2009

Avoid Fake Antivirus And Other Scareware

'Scareware' is the name given to various products, which is in line trying to persuade to buy through fear.

Firewalls, antivirus, registry cleaners and anti-spyware programs are typical products of choice for manufacturers of scareware.

Fake exploration results and pop-up ads are used by scareware programs in order to try to force the user into purchasing the "cure" the author of the scareware.

Some people will always buy this scareware, even if the results it gives could easily be proven false - if only compared with a legitimate program (many of which are free to download if you know where to look for them).

Incredibly, the number of people who buy counterfeit products is increasing scareware - I recently read a report from Symantec suggested that more than 40 million counterfeit software had been bought in the last 12 months!

Fortunately, you can avoid fake antivirus scams and scareware others quite easily.

If you apply a little common sense and do a little reading on the subject, then it's OK.

Think about how you came through scareware program first - if through a window then it should be a big red flag!

In terms of learning, I know a place, my blog about Internet security covers many issues including anti-virus and scareware scams.

Continue to learn. Stay protected. Be Safe.


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