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Monday, June 27, 2011

Tail of the Moon Chapter 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

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To get the rest you must rely on the manga, which completed its American release last year. On its own it is a sharp, great-looking series which mixes shojo elements with sometimes intensely graphic violence, but this was not a production meant to stand on its own.

It delivers no climax, drama, or weirdness at all beyond some goofiness in dodging displays of fan service, nor does it give any sense of completion. It's just a mundane, lazy, slice-of-life episode with a faint hint of a Kyon/Haruhi relationship development that you might expect to find in the middle of a series, or as the quiet before a storm, rather than at its end. It does make more sense in story context than when originally broadcast, has its moments, and actually is not bad overall, but even those watching the series for the first time are going to get to the end of the last episode and scratch their heads while saying, “okay, where's the rest of it?”


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