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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Seishun Pop! Chapter 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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While the plot is lunging forward, the central love triangle—that irreplaceable source of deliciously diseased drama—is standing still. Emotional stings sneak their way in, notably when Yuki finally pours all of her guilt and self loathing and dirty inner thoughts out for Zero to see, but the vicarious wallowing in emotion has been noticeably curtailed.

Unlike many other recent anime series, Chobits comes to a highly satisfying and reasonable conclusion. It's true that they don't tie up every single last plot point, but screaming and whining for absolute finality to any anime series is a fool's errand; anyone who's been watching anime long enough know that the Japanese have a penchant for ambiguity when it comes to concluding a story and you should take what you can get when they are actually willing to close things off. If you found yourself repulsed by Chobits at its inception, you may want to give it a bit more of a chance; there's a touching, well-written and thoughtful romance beneath all the panties and hype.


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