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Monday, June 27, 2011

Hatenkou Yuugi Chapter 89 90 91 992 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

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There isn't anything on par with Okoi's arboreal adventures in this volume, but it does have its own highlights: Gennosuke's dojutsu (those eyes!), a single instance of Nenki's hair-manipulation, smaller details such as a memorable decapitation, and some well-placed camera movements during Oboro's romantic recollections. The Gonzo brand of 3D CGI is minimized, limited in this outing to a few water effects and Hotarubi's butterflies.

This is also a surprisingly bad example of lip-synching to the animation. English dubs make such a concerted effort to do this (since American audiences expect that in their animation) that special timing software was developed for that purpose and English scripts are usually adjusted to account for it, but it looks like little serious effort was made in this case. The problem is so distractingly bad in episode 2 that characters can sometimes be heard starting to talk before their lips start moving.


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