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Monday, June 27, 2011

Ookami-heika no Hanayome Chapter 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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The soundtrack, laden with eerie chants and trilling vocal melodies demonstrates, once again, that one of the finest instruments available is the human voice. Sad, unsettling, melancholy, and rousing, the music matches the show at every turn, used ably (if somewhat unimaginatively) to support the visuals. It tends towards omnipresence, but is also aware that a little silence or falling rain can speak volumes that no music could ever hope to communicate. The opening and ending are mildly rocking tunes of questionable appropriateness and only mild interest; not bad, but not particularly memorable either.

It confronts the central incest issue head-on, handling it in a far less elegant and delicate manner than Koi Kaze but dealing with it and all its potential fallout nonetheless. It lacks real fan service, but guys not into shojo melodrama should still find enough action and bloody violence to keep their interest. The content maintains a fast, steady pace, although it sometimes also gives off the kind of compacted feel that greatly condensed storytelling can generate.


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