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Friday, July 1, 2011

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By comparison, the side-character arcs are shallower but still entertaining. Kana's encounter with a yokai trying to kidnap her is has its thrills, beginning with a pursuit through the school halls and ending with a fanciful visit to the yokai realm. But her passive damsel-in-distress nature, and a painfully clichéd conclusion when she asks Rikuo about his yokai alter ego, make this a mindless confection in the end.

An added bonus of the more spacious layouts is that the dialogue also avoids any overcrowding. In fact, the text reads pretty smoothly throughout—which is a nice way of saying that the script is identical every other boys' adventure series ever. Battle taunts, comedy quips, brief explanations of how magic works, and incantations in Latin: there's nothing new to be found here.


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