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Monday, July 4, 2011

2011 reviews systems theater home

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So, have you gone to the movies lately? Let's face it, in this day and age, going to the movies isn't what it's cracked up to be. Recent studies have shown that box office ticket sales have steadily declined over the years and the reason is simple - years ago, if people wanted to see a
movie, they had no other choice other than going to the theater. I don't know about you, but I don't remember the last time I had a pleasant "movie going" experience.

Let's look at what's involved. First, you have to find out the times and the movies that are playing. Next you have to get in the car and drive to the theater giving yourself enough time to park, get your tickets, buy your popcorn, etc. Okay, now your all set and you enter the appropriate theater room and find your seat. The movie begins and here come the

What are Home Theater Systems?

For those who are unaware of what home theater systems are, let me be the first to enlighten you. In the day and age of advanced technology, television has not failed to keep up. Where once upon a time you could only enjoy a great movie from the un-comfort of a movie theater, now you have the opportunity to bring the full theatrical experience to your home with these new systems that come complete with a screen, projector and surround sound speakers.

But what exactly are home theater systems? Unlike the movie theater, a home theater system can work within the parameters that you set for it, giving you a more flexible price range to work with when choosing components to create your custom theater. The biggest aspect of your home theater to take into consideration is your surround sound experience. This is because the point of creating a home theater is to get as close to the "real thing" as you can. Movies are produced to give a real feeling of being there, and the sound of cars crashing around you and people screaming from all directions is more realistic than them all coming from in front of you. Home surround sound speakers were created to reflect this sentiment and are a vital part of your home theater experience.

After the surround sound speakers comes the experience of a large picture, which is guaranteed through a projection image that is able to handle large displays without appearing pixilated. Once these components are brought together, your home theater experience can begin.


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