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Saturday, July 2, 2011

seating theater home

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Fancy Lala tells the tale of a young girl named Miho who dreams of becoming a comic artist so she can live the life of the famous. One day, she meets two fairies who give her a magic pen, which allows her to transform into Lala, a fifteen year old version of herself who is soon turned into a star by a small modeling agency. Miho must now deal with the intricacies of living a double life as both herself and as Lala.

Some people claim to like the character designs for this series, but they lack the charm of Takahaski's other efforts. All the women look the same: rail thin with long black or brown hair. The costuming is similarly uninspired, with a whole lot of shrine maiden outfits and traditional Japanese priests and so forth running around. The show just isn't very interesting to look at--at least not as much as Urusei Yatsura was. Some people really enjoy the Inuyasha aesthetic. I am not one of those people. It's just too generic.


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