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Friday, July 1, 2011

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Fight scenes become so crammed with detail, from speedlines to smoke clouds to creature transformations, that the focus of the action is often lost. Thankfully there are occasional interludes of Rikuo's school and home life, but these just end up revealing how ordinary the human character designs are. It's hard to imagine a pair of short-haired schoolgirls more plain-faced than Kana and Yura. Clearly, the yokai battle action is where the fun's at—if only the artist could learn to rein it in a bit.

Come on, what happened to the complex relationship of a teacher and student as rivals? And for those who aren't comparing against the original, the fight will seem even more useless, as it does little else besides introduce the Pactio Card system—which in this series looks more like a merchandising tool than actual wizardry.


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