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Saturday, July 2, 2011

reviews seating theater home

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This volume introduces the cold and distant Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's brother who hates anything bipedal that calls itself human. The second this character appeared in the anime, they had to reinforce the Hoover Dam to prevent gallons of fangirl drool from flooding the American southwest. He figures in heavily in the anime series and appears in countless episodes, and this volume is his first appearance, so that'll make it a big deal for anyone obsessed with mink stole-wearing dudes with Sailor Moon symbols on their foreheads. Personally, I found the character off-putting and downright uninteresting.

Because of that convergence of storylines, most would agree that Episode 15 is the highlight of this disc: shocking plot points, running for one's life, an intense one-on-one battle, and a deeply emotional finish that gets the pacing and tone just right. It's in this episode that the theme of "mothers and daughters" is brought to its apex: not just for the drama between Masane and Riko, but also for the other mother and daughter characters who meet a less favorable end. By comparison, the last episode on the disc is pretty much a time-waster—in an anime with so many busty women, you just have to squeeze in a beach episode somewhere. It's a refreshing break from the seriousness of the previous story arc, but let's not kid ourselves here: it's basically an excuse to see Masane in a bikini about two sizes too small, and nothing more.


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