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Monday, November 9, 2009

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer

It is very important for each and every one of us to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer so we know what's going to be possible and more effective to overcome that. However, the particular sign, first symptom of this type of disease is a tumor that is different from the surrounding tissue around the breast. It is said that if a woman feels a lump in her breast, then it is a cancer, more than 80% of breast cancers are discovered in this way, this is based on the Merck Manual. And the first goal of the medical indications or signs of breast cancer is discovered by mammogram or detected by a doctor. Lymph nodes in the armpit is where the packages and / or collarbone can also be a sign of breast cancer.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer than a lump may include changes in breast size and shape of the breast, also appear dimpled skin, nipple inversion, or a single discharge nipple that is spontaneous. Pain is not a reliable tool for determining the presence or absence of breast cancer but may also be a sign of breast cancer-related health problems such as mastodynia.

If a breast-cancer cells into the dermis lymph by force, small lymph vessels in the skin of the breast, inflammatory breast cancer is the inflammation that resembles the presentation of the skin. Signs and symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include pain, swelling of the breast, especially the heat and redness of the breast and skin texture that looks like an orange peel and it's called or known as "orange peel "

Another symptom complex reporting on this type of disease is Paget's disease of the breast. And this condition is known as the eczamatoid, thus, skin color changes, which will be red and the nipple skin peeling have a light texture. Paget's disease with advanced breast, signs may include itching and increased sensitivity of skin, burning and will be painful too. Nipple discharge may occur. In fact, almost half of women who are diagnosed with Paget also suffer from breast lump.

Cancer that extends beyond the original organ is metastatic disease. Metastatic breast cancer can cause signs and symptoms depending on the location of metastasis. Commonplace of metastasis may be found in bone, liver, lungs and brain. Unexplained weight loss that can sometimes be an indication of disease, symptoms can also be determined as fever and chills. In addition, a bone and joint pains can sometimes be a sign, as well as jaundice or neurological signs. But the signs are so specific, because it can also be a sign and symptom of other diseases.

Always remember that most of the signs and symptoms of breast disorder is not really the best representation. Adenoma of the mastitis and fibrosis of the breast are benign breast disease and are the most common causes and signs of breast disorder. And the patient and the physician should take seriously the redevelopment of the signs and symptoms that may occur because there may be cases where breast disease can occur at too early an age.


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