Improve Room Interior Design bedroom bathroom

Friday, November 6, 2009

Chemotherapy Treatment For Lung Cancer

Chemotherapy Treatment For Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Signs
Lung cancer occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow within the lungs and this may be due to the smoke of snuff. Smoke can be firsthand or secondhand experience. Therefore, if you're not a smoker, knowing that exposure to vapors may cause you get sick, you can take steps to prevent it.

In the early stages of this disease, you may not have any signs to suggest that this is what is wrong. But as it progresses, more signs will be evident and some of them are:


If you have decided to use the medicine without a prescription cough and after use, the cough is still there, a visit to a doctor. If you are a smoker, please do not think it's simply a case of smoke going down the wrong path.

Chest pain

If you experience chest pains that can and can not be explained by you and especially when they are going, please do not ignore it, a doctor to examine your lungs.

Swollen neck and face

A swelling of the face and neck without explanation can cause lung cancer.

Pneumonia and bronchitis

A recurrent case of pneumonia and bronchitis is also an indication that this disease can have.

Disease may pass from the lungs to other parts of the body, especially when not treated. Therefore, if you are faced with some or all of these symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible is advisable, since the sooner it is detected, the better the outcome may be.

Chemotherapy Treatment For Lung Cancer

Cancer treatment is always very difficult, dangerous and painful. People have to go through a lot of suffering and pain, to have any chance at all. When lung cancer is not detected early, then in most cases the patient ends up dying sooner or alter. The last moments of a cancer patient is always very painful. But if this really so? Is chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer is the best option?

We would all like to think that doctors look out for our interest and use treatments that are most effective. But unfortunately this is not the case, especially when it comes to treating cancer. The reason is very simple - money. Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits selling drugs and other less costly methods such as natural cures and alternative treatments would reduce their profits quickly.

These days you can find advertisements of medicines everywhere is all about the benefits and effectiveness of these drugs does not really matter. In 2001, various pharmaceutical companies grew from $ 15.7 million on television and print ads. The message of these ads are very simple, "has a problem, take drugs."

No one tells us to eat healthy, get the vitamins and minerals and exercise regularly. Each person who has lung cancer, or want to know more about alternative cancer treatment, you have to do your own research. There are a lot of vitamins, very simple and effective, minerals and supplements, which help us fight cancer and other diseases, much more effective than chemotherapy may never.
Anime Otaku
Guide Japan
Interior Design


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