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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prostate Cancer symptoms and survive

Prostate Cancer symptoms and survive

For 50 years of age, most men now have an enlarged prostate and three of these men will have cancer cells forming in their prostate. Prostate cancer is the leading cancer found in men age 75 and three in four men will get prostate cancer.

The facts are pretty clear, if you are a man who must deal with BPH, enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.

So how do you know if you have BPH or prostate cancer? Okay, here are some symptoms:

"Getting up at night to urinate
"Have difficulty urinating
"I do not completely empty the bladder
"The pain during sex with
"Painful urination

Medical examination can be obtained by prostate enlargement or prostate cancer.

"PSA, prostate specific antigen, which gives a good indication of their state of health of the prostate
"PAP, prostate acid phosphatase, a test is more accurate than PSA, but many physicians do not use or are not familiar with it.
"Ultrasound is a safe and accurate way to check the prostate
"MRI, magnetic resonance, it is also necessary but is the most expensive.
There are other tests that doctors like to do and that is,

The biopsy of the prostate - Is not got to do. It is very harmful to the prostate and should never be done.

The ideal way to take care of the health problems of the prostate is to change or improve diet and lifestyle as you. Here are some area that you need to look to make changes.

"It balances the hormone
"Eliminate addictive substances - snuff, alcohol, coffee, not herbal tea)
"The exercise
"Stress, anxiety and emotional problems

The first thing to do is start using a supplement that will begin to cure his prostate disease. So you need to change your diet. Here I will say that complement to buy immediately and in another article I will outline a good diet to follow.

Exit and immediately, but a supplement containing beta-sitosterol. You can find beta-sitosterol in saw palmetto and Pygeum africanum, but these herbs have very little beta-sitosterol. This makes useless for prostate health. You need 325 to 610 mg per day and these herbal products of 30 mg or less.

A beta-sitosterol is good to buy NSI Phytosterol Complex with Beta-sitosterol - 240 tablets. This is only $ 20.00 plus shipping.

You will find this product contains the following ingredients:

All these chemicals are called phytosterol, which is considered the fat into the plant. These sterols have anti-inflammatory properties and helps build your immune system. It has been proven effective in reducing inflammation of the prostate, BPH, lowering cholesterol and helps in many other diseases.

Prostate Cancer symptoms and survive

There are many positive steps you can take to maintain good prostate health. Here are 4 tips to apply in their daily lives.

1) losing your belly fat

Aim to keep your waistline slim. Of fat in the body results in a decrease in prostate specific antigen (PSA) circulating in the bloodstream. When your doctor checks your PSA levels to determine if you have prostate cancer - excess weight can lead to bias test results.

2) Enjoy the sun!

Contrary to what you may have heard the Sun ISN `t all bad. In the U.S. research conducted in men who live in sunniest States found a rate of 32% lower risk of prostate cancer. This is believed to be as a result of vitamin D that we get from the sun. However, if you are worried about damage to the skin from the sun, you can get their requirements for vitamin D from cod liver oil instead.

3) Follow Popeye `s example - eat spinach!

One study found that men could halve their risk of prostate cancer by establishing a high intake of folate. this is a nutrient found in spinach. Objective of a daily quota of 400 micrograms (mcg). As a guide to the service of 180g of cooked spinach provides about 100 mcg

4) Think Red!

A review of the study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that consumption of two to four servings of raw tomatoes reduced the risk of men with prostate cancer. 26%. Alternatively, you can opt for a glass of tomato juice containing similar cancer busting properties.
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