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Monday, November 9, 2009

The mother-daughter relationship in breast cancer

Did you know that breast cancer or ovarian cancer can be inherited? In fact, there are 500,000 women in the U.S. who have a genetic mutation that puts them at risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer (HBOC).

"All cancer involves changes in genes called mutations. However, in most people, these changes occur after birth, usually later in life and only a limited number of body cells. Cancer Hereditary refers to cancer that is caused by a mutation that is present at birth and in all body cells. This gene change makes individuals more likely to develop cancer in their lifetime, but definitely does not mean it will develop disease. Certain types of cancers, including breast, ovarian and colon, are more likely than others to be hereditary. "

Some inherited mutations or changes in genes linked to breast cancer have been identified. The two most common are BRCA1 and BRCA2 (breast cancer 1 and breast cancer 2). Blood tests are available to determine if someone brings one or both of these two changes in the genes.

If you have a mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer, get tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2. Although not much can you can do on their genetic history, there are some things you can change your lifestyle.

* Eating raw nuts. The nuts contain compounds that reduce the risk of breast cancer. Molecular analysis showed that increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids contributed to the decreased incidence of tumors, but other parts of the nut also contributed.

* Keep your weight under control. A study of cancer among overweight people in Europe found that the proportion of new cases of illness caused by people being fat was higher in women. Types of cancer most common cancers associated with excess weight endometrial, breast and colorectal. How in the daily exercise can also protect and reduce your risk of cancer.

* Diet linked to survival in patients with breast cancer. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008 December found that women with higher intake of healthier foods were about half as likely to die during the study period, women with the lowest intakes, including with other important factors that has taken into account - as the initial size of breast tumor, type of treatment and smoking habits of patients.

* Herbs and spices fight cancer compounds. Various herbs and spices have been compared with the effective anti-cancer drugs. Be sure to add these six herbs to your diet: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, lips that include mint, thyme, marjoram, oregano and basil, apiums include celery root and parsley, and Alliums include garlic, onions, leeks, onion and chives.

* Breastfeeding cuts breast cancer in women at high risk for fifty-nine percent. The new study, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, used information from 60,075 participants in the Nurses 'Health Harvard second' Health Study. If your mother has breast cancer, you may want to consider the benefits of breastfeeding. Certain types of breast cancer may be less frequent among women who breastfeed their babies for at least six months.

If you have a family history of breast cancer, making these simple steps towards a healthier lifestyle can help reduce the chances in life.


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