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Monday, November 9, 2009

Breast Cancer and Breast Health - take action now to avoid being a statistic

For fifteen years I worked as a professional educator. In 5 of those years I worked in a healthcare organization. One of the most talked about topics is the breast cancer and breast health. The conclusion is that although breast cancer is not preventable, it is usually easily detectable.

Note: Breast cancer is not race specific - all races for breast cancer!

Note: Breast cancer is not gender specific - men breast cancer too!

When breast cancer is detected in the early stages of the chances of survival are very high. Please do not add yourself or a friend or loved one to the growing list of statistics. Take action today! Here is a simple action plan of steps to help some with the early detection of breast cancer.

First part: regular mammograms

Ladies, this is the most important part of maintaining good breast health: regular mammograms. Mammograms are quick, simple X-rays similar to X-rays received in his visit to a dentist. In fact, mammograms actually use less radiation than a dental x-ray!

Mammograms show light years in terms of cancer treatment, because it can detect breast cancer long before you or your doctor could physically feel a lump in the breast. Because early detection is the key to survival, it is necessary to schedule regular mammograms.

The American Cancer Society recommends regular mammograms for all women from age 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer, your doctor may want you to start a program of screening mammography sooner.

The older you get, the greater the likelihood of breast cancer. Over 75% of all breast cancers occur in women who are 50 years or more. Over 50% of all breast cancers occur in women who are 65 years or more.

Ladies - Listen! Have regular mammograms! Please! For the sake of your family and friends who love you, schedule an annual mammogram if you are 40 or older or have a family history of breast cancer.

Part II: Clinical breast exam

Only your doctor or nurse will perform a clinical breast exam for you. All women between 20 and 30 should have a clinical breast exam as part of their annual checkups at least every 3 years. After age 40, this should be done every year without fail.

What happens in a clinical breast exam?

The doctor or nurse will take your personal medical history by asking a series of questions on health history. This will include questions on family history. Then the doctor or nurse will examine your breasts while you stand in front of a mirror with your hands on your hips. Finally, the doctor or nurse physically examining your entire breast to the neck, armpit, chest and center bottom of the ribcage. Finally, speaking of adequate maternal health with you and show how to perform breast self-examination. The whole process can take up to 10 minutes. Rarely is less than 5 minutes.

Part Three: breast self-examination

It is necessary to become familiar with their breasts regularly for appearance that you are aware of the changes from normal. If you notice changes, tell your doctor immediately.

One of the most important steps you can take is to perform a monthly breast self exams. An easy way to remember to do this is to see while taking a shower. Some organizations even a shower card can hang on your shower with punch holes for each month, so you can easily follow when one has done their exams.

Remember that you need for the physical exam her breasts with his hand and look in the mirror of the visible changes. If you think you've found a lump or significant change, notify your doctor immediately.

Most breast tumors are not cancer, but did not know until you ask and that must be verified.

Take Action Now!

Start your plan regularly breast health today, including regular mammograms, clinical breast exams and monthly self-exams. When breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stages survival rates are higher. Take action now - for you, your friends and family that I love you!


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