Improve Room Interior Design bedroom bathroom

Monday, November 9, 2009

5 things you can do to breast cancer

When someone you love is diagnosed with breast cancer, which can be devastating. You shake your whole life. You have no idea what to do, what to say or how to help. You want to help, but honestly and really have no idea what to do. You're afraid to do wrong. Unfortunately, this lack of action leaves the breast cancer patients in a situation where basic needs are not covered. She is left in a place where you feel uncomfortable asking for help and is too tired to do it herself. Here are five things you can do to help someone you know is fighting breast cancer.

# 1 set a Visa Money

A number of Visa cash card allows people to donate money to cover expenses. Believe it or not, the gas money adds up fast. Doctor visits, fast food and lots of other little things that add up. For those who do not know what to do, add funds to a Visa card really helps.

# 2 Establish a volunteer program

Many times, the cleaning has a tape recorder back to doctor visits and chemotherapy. Someone needs to step up and take charge of people willing to volunteer. If people are willing to volunteer to clean, cook and babysitting, a program needs to be done and the patient with breast cancer should not be left in charge.

# 3 Leave the stories of death's door

No matter how many people know who have died of cancer, keep it to yourself. While you may think this is useful, this is not the time to share your story. We know you are trying to relate what the breast cancer patient is going through, but if you knew how the stories of the death of many breast cancer patients have to hear that you understand.

# 4 Do not Take It Personal

All experience is an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes, the cancer patient can mourn and cry. Other times, the cancer patient can laugh and laugh. No matter how does the cancer patient, please remember this is a tough time and have nothing to say in person. Many times, it is nothing more than a lack of sleep.

# 5 Books, books and more books

More likely is that the breast cancer patient will spend much time waiting. They will have some books, magazines, games or whatever else you can think of passing the time. This is another reason why Visa cash card comes in handy. Find out what they like and get plenty of it. Remember, this is only a short period of time and get through it. Help in any way you can. It's worth at the end. In a year or two, all this will be a memory that will live to tell.


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