Improve Room Interior Design bedroom bathroom

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Natural Cancer Treatment

Natural Cancer Treatment
There is much passing reference to the need to eat more vegetables to prevent cancer, but beyond the insistence of some members of staff health promotion appears to be little written in the press of detailed information to all. In addition to this, or perhaps because of the simplistic message that is out there, many physicians still fail to recognize the importance of diet in relation both to reduce the chances that the disease occurs but also in the care of Patients who already have cancer. They do not recognize that good nutrition is a natural treatment.

Many physicians are committed to the rapid effects of antibiotics. That really, really want every drug to be as effective as when antibiotics were first used. And if food can not give such an effect with most people then a good number of them dismiss the impact of food as "not really important."

However, there are many drugs that are not very effective. For example, chemotherapy increases overall survival at 5 years of stage just over 2%, which is ineffective in many cancers, despite their continued use. With this in mind, any "natural" activity without negative side effects are embraced with open arms.

There are many foods that have been shown in epidemiological studies to reduce the chances of getting cancer by 25%, 50%, 75% and sometimes even more when comparing groups with high consumption of low power groups.

There are foods that seem to prevent the mutant cells in cancer cells. There are foods that stimulate the mutated cells to die. There are foods that stop the growth of cancer cells or slow growth and food that prevent cancer cells throughout the body movement. In food biomedical words can be antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, stimulate apoptosis, cytotoxic, with antimetastatic effect. Of course not all fruits and vegetables have all these effects, but they have enough to be useful.

So fruits and vegetables are most important? I urge you to go for variety and not get stuck in thinking that one or two will suffice. The plants act synergistically. That is, it works best when you eat a number of them together.

That said, the family of the onion was reported that some of the strongest effects in cancer prevention. As trawl through medical literature had a strong interest in tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables, but when I compared the numbers in the studies that seemed the onion, garlic and other allium family in (such as leeks and onions) had the highest efficiency.

The tomatoes were good, and so are the cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, beet greens, bok choy, brussels sprouts, kale, cress, radish, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, beets and turnips.

Lettuce, carrots, summer squash and winter, oranges, lemons, blueberries, black raspberries, grapes, cucurmin (of fame curry) and herbs (like oregano, rosemary and thyme) have shown improved immune function and are associated with reduced incidence of cancer in epidemiological studies.

So what does this mean in practice? Ideally, fresh fruit and vegetables should be part of every meal. If you can not eat three meals a day, and then solve the fruits and vegetables, taking three quarters of your plate in two meals each day.

We're talking about eating - this is not medicine, unless these foods to do well. It is important to choose foods you enjoy. I really do not like curry or pepper. I do not do well in Indian food, so do not eat it very often. I grew up in northern European food and really enjoy the fruits and vegetables has eaten my family for generations. So start by eating fruits and vegetables to enjoy, after a bit of variety and taste some that are new to you.

If you are married and chips, burgers and food packages that could take a little getting used to having three-quarters of your plate with fresh vegetables (cooked and uncooked) fruit for dessert, but give it a try. It may take a few weeks for your body to develop the enzymes needed to digest his new diet, but once your body has gone I love you for this change. And as natural cancer treatment is pleasant and not cost more than other types of food.

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