Improve Room Interior Design bedroom bathroom

Friday, December 11, 2009

tip Fruit Flies in Your Kitchen Drain

If you have fruit flies in your flight, it's probably because there has food particles stuck to the walls thereof. This is a favorite spot for fruit flies to breed, but why?

When people begin to see fruit flies in their homes as soon get rid of any other fruit around aging and give their kitchen a thorough cleaning. But because the interior of your sink in hard to see, it usually gets missed. Fruit flies love this place for this reason, as they can keep farming there again and again without having to find a new place.

Each time a female fly lays her eggs, she can lay up to 500 eggs at a time. Within hours, these eggs develop into larvae, and then finally the adult fruit flies. And this is how an infestation of fruit fly begins.

So what do you do?

Something as simple as pouring water in your hot drain a few times a day will prevent the eggs of transition. And each time you do this you will wash away more of the mud that has accumulated in your drain. Finally, all food particles have disappeared, and there is nothing to fruit flies to breed on.

Once you've done this, you can go to other places the fruit flies can breed and make sure you got all.

Finally, you'll need to trap and kill adult flies quickly, before they keep reproducing.

There are some great "Do it yourself" online methods that are extremely effective. I speak from experience when I say this because I was in your shoes and had a problem with fruit flies myself. After trying several methods I found one that was very fast and efficient. It took only minutes to do, and you leave just to ensure his thing.


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