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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kitchen Décor with Vineyard Look like wine garden

If you like a glass of wine, then you'll really enjoy bringing kitchen decor wine in the heart of your home. The beauty and seduction of a vineyard work and the theme of the kitchen if you're interested in the complete overhaul of your kitchen, or prefer to start small with a few accessories that can grow with time.

Incorporating Art and Gourmet kitchen with wine decor

A wine or grape theme lends itself to art in the kitchen, and it is a subject for which an investment in the wall art can make a big difference. Perhaps the best form of art is a wall mural of a vineyard that is splashed into several tiles and covers a large area. Tile murals work well on the stove, or anywhere in between the countertop and cabinets, especially if a wine cabinet is in the mix. In addition to wine wall decor kitchen, there are also wines and wine-colored tiles that can be used throughout the kitchen.

You can expand the artistic appeal of grapes and vines in your cupboards as well. There are several styles of cabinet knobs and drawer pulls available in the market, including ceramic and brass, which incorporate grapes, wine bottle and cork models. Another approach to art that uses the theme vineyard is to paint the walls a deep green and purple light, or a border stencil theme vineyard. You may also prefer to paint your cabinets or door of the office using a pattern of grapes, which is a great idea kitchen decor that is not often used.

In addition to all the artistic possibilities are endless variety of accessories available on the market, including dishes, trays, tripods, defines containers, cookie jars and holders of the same sponge to your sink. It goes without saying that a wine rack is a welcome adjustment to your kitchen wine theme decor, whether large or small. Some wine racks are very large drawers and cabinet space for storage, but a small carrier that can sit on counter tops or on top of the cabinet also works well if you do not have much space available. If you have space on top of your cabinets, baskets containing wine bottles and artificial grapes and vines can add a lot of panache. Finally, you can wrap the decor of your kitchen, wine with a wine theme tissue holder, towels and tea towels.


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